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mammary gland (젖샘, 유선) 본문

Vet Anatomy[수의해부학]/Blood vessel & Gland[혈관]

mammary gland (젖샘, 유선)

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 8. 27. 06:06

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mammary gland

출처 : Veterinary anatomy of domestic animal : textbook and color atlas by koning

- corpus mammae : the body, consisting skin, glandula tissue, connective tissue

- papillae mammae : the ventral projection which milk is witdrawn

corpus mammae

  • we can find ductus lactiferi which convey milk to sinus lactiferi then have papilla mammae and there is ductus papillaris which tip of the papillae mammae at this site there is m. sphincter papillae

number of mammae : Ca 10 / Bo 9 / Eq 2 / Su 14

suspensory apparatus

  • lamina lateral
  • lamina medial
  • lamella suspensoriae

Blood supply

a. thoracica interna

  1.  r. perforantis --> rr. mammary
  2.  a. epigasticae cran supf --> rr. mammary

a. pudenda externa

  1. epigastrica caud supf --> rr. mammary


  1. plexus intercostalis ventralis --> n. thoracica
  2. plexus lumbales --> iliohypogastrica, ilioinguinalis
  3. through inguinal canal - r. inguinalis

lymph : ln. axillare proprii & accessorii / ln. inguinal superficialis / ln. sternalis cran

