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[가축육종학] 10. Dairy cattle breeds for cheese industry 본문

Animal breeding[동물 육종학]/Cow[소]

[가축육종학] 10. Dairy cattle breeds for cheese industry

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 9. 24. 19:40

B9 Dairy cattle breeds (classification, characteristics, types), breeds for cheese industry milk production


Red & white pied color

Produces milk mainly for cheese industry  high content of kappa casein BB variants

Annual yield = 7500 L / year

3.9% butterfat

3.35% protein

Bulls 900-1200kg

Cows 145cm @ withers, 600-700kg


Well suited for cheese production - camembert cheese

Chestnut brown pied or black pied with white head and dark ‘spectacles’ around the eyes

Cows 140cm, 700kg

Bulls 152cm, 1100kg


Dual purpose (predominantly dairy) breed

Red & white breed of Swiss origin

Rapid growth = Docile (compliant) & easily manageable

Large framed with shallow rib cage

Exceptional milk production with calf at side

Bull 150-160cm @ withers, 1200-1300kg

Cow 140-150cm @ withers, 700-800kg


Light/dark red & white

Cows 500-600kg, Bulls 750-850kg

Annual yield = 6400kg

4% butterfat

4% protein

Finnish Ayrshire  80% of cattle production in Finland


Highest producing large sized dairy cow

Originated in Europe (Holland & Friesland), developed in US from Dutch Fresian

Hostein = North American stock; Fresian = Animals of traditional EU

ancestry - Holstein-Fresian is a cross between the two

Distinct black (or red) & white markings



Originates from Swiss Alps - Hardy, resistant breed

Black/ red & white markings

Annual yield = 9000kg

4% butterfat

3.5% protein

Excellent milk for cheese production

Long gestation period

Large animal

Bulls up to 1135kg

Cows 700kg

Docile temperament (easily taught)


Smallest central European breed, endangered in Germany & Switzerland

Annual yield = 3300kg

4% fat high fat content  camembert cheese production

3.4% protein

Bull 125-135cm @ withers, 700-750kg

Cow 115-125cm @ withers, 450-500kg
