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1. Domestication of small ruminant 양과 염소의 가축화 본문

Animal breeding[동물 육종학]/Sheep & Goat[염소&양]

1. Domestication of small ruminant 양과 염소의 가축화

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 9. 30. 12:59

A16 Origin and domestication of small ruminants (sheep and goat), their species characteristics

Species groups:



Wild sheep
Diff. chromosomes number 54-58
Typical centric fusion of chromosomes when crossing 

Wild goat

(Capra, caprini)

Wild goat
 twirl horned, capra falconeri. 60 chromosomes 

oriental wild sheep (mouffloans)
ovis ammon musimon, 54 chromosomes

Prisca goat
 capra prisca
Asiatic wild sheep (argali)
 ovis ammon ammon (56) & ovis vignei arkal (58)
Rock goat
 capra ibex
Snow sheep  Ovis Nicola
Thick horn sheep  ovis dalli
Big horn wild sheep  ovis Canadensis
Bezoar goat
 capra aegagrus
Domesticated sheep
 ovis aries
Domesticated goat
 capra domestica

Domestication of sheep and goats

  • Sheep domestication is believed to have occurred 9-11,000 BC
  • Goat domestication: 10 000 BC.
  • Sheep and goats were the 2nd to be domesticated after the dog! in SW asia
  • Semi domestication: hunting, natural selection, flocks, herding with dog
  • Full domestication: production, selection, shelter, meat, milk, fleece wool production
  • White fine wool sheep appeared (north African): merino sheep, roman colonization, about 100 BC
  • The fine wool- sheep developed in Islamic spain (750- 1000 A.D)
  • Breeding in England: long wool and short wool mutton breeds! (Bakewell and Ellman, 19 and 20 century)
  • Dispersion of merino breeds throughout the world “super- production” after 19 century
  • Intensive milk & mutton / chevon breeds

Major milestone in the historical development in sheep breeding

  • Very early domestication typical (8-10k BC)
  • Ancestry (partly confusion, disagreement, polyphyletic?).
  • Breed differences, large, extremes.
  • Important domestication changes (coat!)
  • Dependence on human civilization (sheep!)
  • De-domestication (returning to wild life) not typical or rarely (goats return easily): feral sheep and goat populations on islands.
  • successful Crossing (hybridization) of wild and domesticated sheep and wild goats, despite diff. chromosome number.
  • Interspecies-hybridization of sheep and goat means some problems:
  • ram (male sheep) × doe (female deer) possible
  • bock × ewe (female sheep) never.

2n chromosome number:

- sheep: 54, (wild sheep: 54- 58);

- all goats: 60

Important goat breeds:

  • Milk, meat breeds- Saanen and its breed derivatives
  • Meat (but also milk) producing breeds- boer goat, Anglo- Nubian goat
  • Mohair and pashmina (goatwool) producing goat breeds- Angora, American cashmere
  • Local, rare, special breeds- African dwarf goat. Genetic preservation, resources, pets, expirimantion

Microevolutionary consequence

Phenotype (body shape, form, conformation): 

Range of heights & weights according to breed
Typical weight:
Ewes 45-100kg (female sheep)
Rams 45-160kg (male sheep)

Coat & wool:

continuous growth, fiber length and diameter, 1st 2nd hair follicle

Wool color

Brown, black, white, agouti

Tail length

Long, short & fat-tailed breeds
Fat- rumped breeds
Goat: no tail changes


May be horned, polled, have horns in one sex or both sexes
Also variability in size & shape of horns (if present)
Sex influenced expression


Long/ dropping, less/ well developed

Reproduction, prolificacy

Mono / polyestrous
Increased testicular size
Seasonal polyestrous
Higher fertility

Milk production

different udder size & form (significant changes in goat)

Muscle hypertrophy

Can happen In sheep  Callipyge (round buttock)

Diff between seep and goat




Preferred environment

Temperate & lowland areas
Steppes (grassland)
Varied soils 
Medium rainfall

Highland & forest areas
Sandy, well-drained soils



Less selective

More selective and preference
Tree leaves
Higher digestion efficiency

Body characteristics

More uniform horns
No split in upper lips
Tails hang downwards
No male caudal scent glands

Mobile, split upper lip
Tails point upwards
Highly intelligent
Beards common
Male caudal scent glands present


More uniform horns
Sheep breeds are often naturally polled (no horns)

Heteronymous horns (not uniform)
polled goats are rare

Intelligence & behavior

Flocking instinct (together as a herd)
Less susceptible to stress

No flocking instinct (they are not going together as a band)
Active temperament
Great susceptibility to stress


Twinning common in both


Mainly woolly, rarely hairy 

Rarely wooly, mostly hairy

Milk production


Goat milk is more commonly produced !


