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Fetal circulation 태아 순환 본문

Vet Anatomy[수의해부학]/Blood vessel & Gland[혈관]

Fetal circulation 태아 순환

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 9. 1. 22:22

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B19. Foetal circulation


placenta : plays role of lung + digestion + kidney

lung : non functioning = blood pass by pars lung through for. ovale


oxygenated blood --> umbrical vein(through umbrical cord) --> liver

right branch to v. portae --> right liver = potal part

non functioning v. hepatica => ductus venosus, by pass v. hepatica --> to v. cava caud directly

v. cava caud

receive umblical blood( after passing in liver ) --> heart 

+ blood from hind part of body

After birth 

umbrical vein --> lig. teres hepatis, lig. falciform hepatis

umbrical arteries --> lig. teres vesicae

ductus venosus --> v. portae perforates liver

lung --> ductus arteriosus

