VET space / 수의대생 블로그

4. Bones of nasal cavity 비강 뼈 본문

Vet Anatomy[수의해부학]/Bone & muscle[뼈,근육]

4. Bones of nasal cavity 비강 뼈

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 8. 2. 15:12

※ 본 내용은 개인적으로 공부하면서 정리한 내용입니다. 내용에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 알려드립니다.



composed of


caudal wall--> os ethmoidale

roof--> frontal + nasal bone

lateral wall--> lacrimale + zygomaticum + maxilla + incisive bone

floor--> palatinum + vomer + maxilla + incisive bone


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 그림 : Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals : Horst Erich Koenig 


os ethmoidale : contributes to cranial facial part of skull

lamina externa : formed tecctoria(roof) and basilis(floor)

lamina perpendiculae : median sheet of bone : seperate bone into 2 tubes

labyrinth ethmoidale: consist of ethmoturbinate, meatus ethmoidale : air filled meatus

lamina cribrosa: between oral & nasal cavity

crista gali : inetracranial contribution of lamina perpendicularis

fossa ethmoidale : olfactory bulb

os frontale



                                                            os lacrimal

(cranial)  pars nasalis    nasal bone    frontal bone  (caudal)

                                                            os lacrimal



                                dorsal aspect

os nasale

crista ethmoidalis: sagital crest, attachment of concha nasalis dorsal

proc. septalis : attachement of cartilago septi nasi

incisura nasoincisivum: rostral process in Eq

os lacrimale : forms orbit & lateral wall of face

bulla lacrimale(Ru), margo infraorbitalis, fossa sacii lacrimalis, canalis nasolacrimalis

os zygomaticum

arcus zygomaticus : proc. temporalis(os zygomaticus) and proc. zygomaticum(os tempoale)

margo supra orbitalis(Eq, Ru)

ligamentum orbitale(Ca,Su)

os incisivum : forms opening of nasal cavity + roof of hard plate + rostral part of proc. alveolaris

os maxilla : largest bone of face, helps forming lateral wall & nasal, oral cavity, hard plate


facies facialis

- crista facialis, tuber facialis(Ru), canalis infraorbitalis(for. infraorbitale --> for. maxilla)

facies nasalis

- crista conchalis, canalis lacrimale

facies peterygopalatina

- tuber maxillare, for. maxillae, for. sphenopalatinum, for. palatium caudale, proc. alveolaris, margo interalveolaris, for. palatina majus

os palatinum : between maxilla and sphenoid & pterygoid

meatus nasopharyngeus + choanae form

lamina horizontalis : sinus palatinus, canalis palatinus(for major palatine artery and venin and nerve)

lamina perpendicularis : extend to lamina sphenoethmoidalis

vomer : unpaired bone = attached to os palatinum, articulates with bone of ethmoid & vomer

이전 : [수의해부학] 3. Os temporale


[수의해부학] 3. Os temporale

※ 본 내용은 개인적으로 공부하면서 정리한 내용입니다. 내용에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 알려드립니다. Forms the ventral and lateral wall of the skull, consist of pars petrosa, squama, tympanicus pars p..



