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VET space / 수의대생 블로그
12. Breeding goal and of beef and dual purpose cattle 소 품종 본문
12. Breeding goal and of beef and dual purpose cattle 소 품종
에플쓰는 루카 2020. 9. 18. 06:26B11. Breeding goal and characteristics (valuable traits) of beef and dual purpose cattle, Breeding goal of beef and dual purpose cattle
Most common breeding goals:
Single purpose: Belgian blue, Herford, Angus
Dual purpose: milk pointed (milk & meat) such as Simmental, meat pointed (meat & milk)
multipurpose: milk, meat and draught
valuable traits of beef cattle:
primary traits: meat producing ability
paternal breeds, sires: fattening ability,
carcass traits: dressing percent (percent of the live animal that ends up as carcass- minus the skin, visceral), carcass weight, carcass quality.
Meat properties: fat ratio, ribeye area, marbling & tenderness
Maternal breeds, cows:
Reproductive performance: conception rate (calf crop percentage), calving interval (time elapsed between each calving), birth weight related to calving difficulties, fertility testing of bulls, bull performance (= average weight gain, scrotal circumference)
Maternal/ nursing ability: calf rearing ability (bring up & care for), grazing ability, herd tolerance, adaptation ability (to climate), health, tamness, good temper, reproduction, longevity, lifetime performance.
Milk yield: estimated by calf’s growing
Secondary traits:
Conformation, reproduction, feed intake: conversion ratio, adaptation (technology), health, resistance
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