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SEUROP qulification system 돼지 고기 SEUROP 시스템 본문
SEUROP qulification system 돼지 고기 SEUROP 시스템
에플쓰는 루카 2020. 9. 10. 06:21C3 Most important meat production traits of pig (SEUROP qualification system, meat/ fat properties) importance of pork production in human nutrition
Carcass quality: depends on Carcass weight & slaughtering loss
- Killing out percentage is influenced by method of preparation
- Gut fill
- Interval btw preparation & weighing
- Difference btw hot & cold carcass weight
- Sex
- Level of fatness (feeding & technology)
Carcass conformation and consumption:
- proportion of muscles.
- Good conformation: thick, well defined muscles
- Well developed, rounded hams in modern meat breeds
SEUROP qualification system: AKA, beef quality traits
s=Superior, E=excellent, U=very good, R=good, O=average P=poor
Proportion of lean meat, SEUROP system (lean meat/ carcass ratio)
● S (superior): > 60%
● E (excellent): > 55%
● U (very good): > 50%
● R (good): > 45%
● O (moderate): > 40%
● P (poor): < 40%
Parts of the standard cutting of the pig carcass : Pigs foot (toes), leg (hock, arm, hind shank), ham, belly, chop (short chop), loin(long chop), spare ribs, shoulder, leg(hock, arm, rind), collar and head.
Carcass traits 2:
- Slaughter weight: 90-110-130 kg
- Age of slaughtering: 160-175days
- Killing out/dressing out: 75%
- Carcass weight, warm: 76kg
- Cold: 72kg
- Gain in valuable cuts: 400g/day =Collar + loin+ filet+ ham+ shoulder+ arm- meats /days of life
- Gain in carcass: 500g/day =Carcass weight, in warm /days of life
Fat distribution in body (carcass)
Subcutaneous fat (bacon)
- Organ fat/abdominal fat (deposition btw the intestinal mucous membranes)
- Intermuscular fat (deposited among the muscles)
- Intramuscular fat (deposited within or btw muscle fibres)
- Intracellular fat (deposited within cell substance)
- Appearance, shape, colour, marbling
- Senses, odour, taste
- Substance, tenderness, succulence, shrewdness
- Protein/fat %
- Vitamins, mineral matter
- Trace elements
- Digestibility
- Hygiene toxicology:
- Total germ number
- Pathogens and their toxins
- Residues
- Hydration capacity
- Protein state
- Fat state( saturated, unsaturated)
- Interstitium and tendon content
- Water capacity
- Durability
importance of pork production in human nutrition
- pork account for ~38% of daily meat protein intake worldwide
- Increased urbanization in China has led to a rapid rise in pork consumption
- Jewish (Kosher/Kashrut) & Islam : Consumption of pork is forbidden (‘unclean’ animal)
- Bacon: Any cut(s) of meat taken from the sides, belly or back of a pig that may be cured/smoked
- Ham: Thigh & rump of pork (haunch)
- Lard: Pig fat (rendered & unrendered forms) Commonly used in soap manufacturing
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