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Horse types 말 타입 본문

Animal breeding[동물 육종학]/Horse[말]

Horse types 말 타입

에플쓰는 루카 2020. 8. 16. 01:11

A3. Horse types, judging of conformation in horse, faults in stand and action


 다양한 종들의 말은 말의 이용에 따라  type을 구분할 수 있다. 




Few major horse types:

draft horses

warm blood

light horses

gated horses






Horse conformation:

The outline of the horse as determined by its bones/ musculature structures, for example the length of the bones, the angles of the joints, the proportion of the overall balance of the horse

Complex exterior evaluation (judging)

- Degree of correctness of a horse’s body parts, body proportions in relation to each other (overall balance)

- Bone structure, - Musculature, - Dynamics of movement (gaits), - Breed and sex characteristics

Horse conformation = breeding value, selection criteria

- Certain form of breeding value, - Desirable conformation: good performance

- Undesirable conformation: can limit ability to perform a task, - Every horse has good and bad points of it’s conformation

- Many horses excel even with conformation faults

Judging conformation: procedure

- Entering show ring: - An overall balance, Correctness, Structural soundness, Breed and sex characteristics, Comparison with ideal horse of the relevant class, Watching the gaits , Looking for good an bad conformation points in details, Placing

Dynamic conformation

Walk and trot: under saddle and in hand. A good walker is generally a good galloper

The trot:

2 beat walk, where the diagonal pairs of legs move forward at the same time with a moment of suspension between each beat.

The wind:

Getting the horse to gallop, Listening for any signs of noise

Faults in stand and action:

The faults are undesirable conditions where for example happens in the hind/fore limbs it can cause weakness/ injury/ lameness in the horse

Gait faults refer to abnormal leg action that occur while the horse is in motion.

Gait faults can predispose the horse to certain lameness

Abnormal movements:

Paddling (hoof thrown laterally after it leaves the ground)

Winging (hoof is thrown medially after it leaves the ground)

Interfering (one limb hits the other)




